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- 【イベント】2022年Youth Co:Lab アジア・太平洋地域…
【イベント】2022年Youth Co:Lab アジア・太平洋地域サミット(7/4~7)[オンライン・シンガポール]
7月6日(水)~7日(木)、UNDPとシティ・ファウンデーションは、若者によるソーシャルイノベーションと起業を支援するプログラム「Youth Co:Lab(ユース・コーラボ)」の一環として、「 Youth Co:Lab アジア・太平洋地域サミット 」をシンガポールから会場参加とオンライン参加のハイブリット形式にて開催します。
※ 7月4日・5日のプログラムは関係者のみ対象
国連開発計画(UNDP)とシティ・ファウンデーション共催の Youth Co:Lab(ユース・コーラボ、https://www.youthcolab.org/)は、若者がリーダーシップを発揮し、社会革新を起こし、起業家精神を持つことによりSDGs(持続可能な開発目標)実行の加速を目指す、若者向けのエンパワーメントプログラムです。日本におけるYouth Co:Labの活動やイベントの詳細は、UNDP駐日代表事務所ウェブサイト(https://www.jp.undp.org/content/tokyo/ja/home/partnership-section/YouthCoLabTokyo.html)で随時発信しています。
https://undp.bmetrack.com/c/l?u=E027783&e=14945DB&c=19886&t=0&seq=1| Twitter: @UNDPTokyo | Facebook: @UNDPTokyo
The Youth Co:Lab Summit 2022
The Youth Co:Lab Summit 2022 in Singapore, co-organized by UNDP and Citi Foundation and in partnership with National Youth Council Singapore, serves as a key milestone for the regional youth empowerment agenda by positioning young people and their innovative ideas, front and centre to solve the region’s most pressing challenges.
As we celebrate young entrepreneurs’ agility and resilience in responding to these unprecedented times, we must also meet the moment and step up our collective efforts to support young people and their transformative solutions to lead the way in our journey beyond recovery, towards 2030.
Theme for The Summit 2022
The 2022 Summit is envisioned to highlight, encourage and celebrate the role of youth in our crucial Decade of Action; Showcasing and inspiring Youth to Action especially aligning on the larger Youth Co:Lab themes of Youth in Climate Action and Leaving No Youth Behind.
・Date and Time: 6-7 July 2022
(4-5 July: Pre-Forum by invitation only)
・Format: Hybrid (Registration required)
・Registration Fee: Free
・Language: English
・Registration: Please register HERE(https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YCLS2022)
・Summit details and agenda: Please visit HERE(https://www.youthcolab.org/2022-summit)
About Youth Co:Lab
Co-created in 2017 by UNDP and the Citi Foundation, Youth Co:Lab(https://www.youthcolab.org/) aims to establish a common agenda for countries in the Asia-Pacific region to empower and invest in youth, so that they can accelerate the implementation of the SDGs through leadership, social innovation and entrepreneurship.
Youth Co:Lab has been implemented in 28 countries and territories across Asia Pacific. For the details about activities and events in Japan, please visit our website of UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo(https://www.jp.undp.org/content/tokyo/ja/home/partnership-section/YouthCoLabTokyo.html) as well as our social media accounts.
https://undp.bmetrack.com/c/l?u=E027787&e=14945DB&c=19886&t=0&seq=1| Twitter: @UNDPTokyo | Facebook: @UNDPTokyo
Contact: Hiromi Amano, UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo,
東京都渋谷区神宮前5丁目53の70 UNハウス8階 国連開発計画(UNDP) 駐日代表事務所
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