International Cooperation
Mozambique Project
We have committed ourselves to work for the community development activities in four villages (Chinhanguanine, Bondoia, Vigilancia, Uamanhanga) in Malengane in Moamba District, 100km northeast from Maputo, the capital.
Sewing Training Project

Ten villagers in Chinhanguanine formed a sewing group in November 2012 to secure their income to improve their living standard. EGN started helping them with teaching how to sew. They started learning some basic sewing skills such as straight and back stitching and how to use pedal sewing machines. Now they can make some commercial goods such as bags and cabas. Currently they are making school uniforms for primary school children, and planning to sell them in Malengane. They are also marketing their products to expand sales for more stable income.
Emergency Relief Efforts after Massive Flood

January 23, 2013, the southern part of Mozambique was hit by a massive flood. EGN raised money in Japan to aid the sufferers. In February, EGN bought some rice, maize, sugar as the first relief supplies. The EGN Mozambique Office delivered them via the Mozambique Red Cross. We will continue supporting their recovery efforts in the fiscal 2013.
We have devoted ourselves to help improve their living standard of the community as a whole through various aiding activities such as building their community center, repairing primary school buildings in their communities as well as what we call “Eco & Peace” project.
Click here for more on the Mozambique Project.
Fair Trade Activity

Ehime Global Network has been working to promote fair trade activities. This is an alternative approach to support developing countries based on partnership between and among producers, consumers and traders. We run a fair trade cafe and shop called “WAKUWAKU” which literally means being excited to do something, in order to sell fair trade goods, help develop new fair trade goods and host events to promote sales of such products, all of which contribute to increase quality of life of the people in developing countries.