Environmental Preservation
We take part in various social activities and one of them is a practical approach to protect natural environment within our communities. At the same time, we promote communication with other organizations to accelerate environmental network to grasp Shikoku as a single region. We view the environmental problems from global perspective, while we act to solve/improve our situations not just by ourselves but throughout Shikoku or nationwide by networking the activities.
Shikoku Environmental Partnership Office (Shikoku EPO) entrusted by the Ministry of Environment

Ehime Global Network was entrusted with the operation of Shikoku Environmental Partnership Office in Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture. We focus on (1) Promoting communication and collaboration between environmental NPOs and other entities, (2) Hosting seminars and forums, (3) Collecting and releasing information on environment and (4) Accelerating communication with other EPOs nationwide and encouraging more people to come to the network office. Through these activities, we encourage various entities including NPOs, private corporations, local governments and citizens to work together, support their environmental preservation activities and ESD by their reciprocal collaboration to improve the situations and ultimately realize a sustainable and beautiful region of Shikoku.
Ehime Prefecture “Ai (Love) River” Initiative

EGN is a registered member of “Ai (Love) River” Initiative of Ehime Prefecture, and we clean a part of the Okawa River (around Gokoku Jinja Shrine) twice a year. We do not simply clean the river to improve the watercourse and its surrounding environment, rather we focus more on environmental and social studies to discuss the topics such as “the way that river water circulates”, “water creatures and biodiversity” and “littering and pilgrimage culture along the river”. We try to match the themes of the study and schools to pursue the themes, which we believe the river cleaning activities can be evolved into ESD.